Digital Marketing is one great option to market products and services online. Also known as Online or Internet Marketing, it is key to brand promotion, selling products, and services through the use of social media, and SERPs search engine result pages.
Many people on the web wish to create digital marketing campaigns but have little knowledge of how to go about it. The best options are to learn or hire a digital marketing agency. I would suggest the latter since this is a professional marketing approach and required expertise and experience. Digital Marketing agencies are experts in marketing and will do a great job. Here we are discussing organic campaigns that differ from paid marketing.
The digital marketing market size worldwide reached USD 321 billion in the year 2022. The growth rate is at a CAGR of 13.1%. The market size is expected to be around USD 671.86 billion by the year 2028.
Main Activity for Internet Marketing
The main focus in Internet Marketing is on the following:
SEO or search engine optimization
Content Distribution
Email Marketing
Search engine optimization targets the SERPs or the search engine result pages. This is an organic or free campaign that puts stress on the following:
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
On-page, optimization is developing websites as per the search engine guidelines set by Google since the search company command over 90% search market. The factors that make a difference are good download speed (Web Core Vitals), stable link structure, and good site architecture. On the page, elements comprise title and meta descriptions, alt text, and unique content based on intent and topic relevance. One should configure the site well on the stable server with no downtime, and enough bandwidth. Design the website such that elements do not block caching and do not send too many server queries.
Off-page, optimization is building quality content-wrapped links and distributing them on social media and other available platforms. Social bookmarking content created is another means of bringing it to the notice of search engines for early indexing and storing. High-traffic social bookmarking sites bring in referrals as well.
Content Distribution
Online marketing is creating various types of content and distributing them on Social Media and other platforms. The writeups should be uniquely relevant and well written, graphics should be well designed, photos should be lightweight, and videos well made.
The basic marketing funnel is as follows:
Awareness or Attraction
Goal Conversion or Action
Internet marketing results take time to come out but they are meaningful.
Email Marketing
Email marketing requires a huge database of people with an interest in your brand, services, or products. A carefully endearing letter should be framed and posted to all. But please remember to provide an unsubscribe link and do not post too often.
Email marketing adds to the coverage and is very helpful in marketing online. Although one in five emails are opened the exercise is highly effective.